Moissac, A Major halt on the Camino to Santiago
The cloister and the tympanum are registered on the UNESCO list of world heritage sites, as regards to the Way of Saint James.
The publication of the Codex Calixtinis in 1882 popularised the idea of pilgrims routes. Written in the 12th century, this work starts with the words “Four paths lead to Santiago”.
This major stage of the GR65 leads the pilgrim along the Via Podensis. From Lauzerte, it crosses the Terres des Confluences via Durfort Lacapelette, Moissac and Boudou.
On 2 December 1998, UNESCO inscribed the Ways of Santiago de Compostela in France on the World Heritage List in the form of a selection of 71 monuments and 7 sections of paths bearing witness to the spiritual and material aspects of the pilgrimage: